Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Get That Salt Off Your Car

Have you washed the ice off your car yet?  Make sure to take these nice days to get the dangerous rock salt off you car.  It is great for the roads, but it can damage the paint on your car.  You can learn more here.

Wash Your Car

This winter we want to remind you to wash your cars as soon as it warms up to an above-freezing temperature. You’ll know it’s safe because lines at the car washes will start forming, as careful vehicle owners know how important it is to keep the exterior of the car free of salt. And even if you’re someone who hates to wait in line, find some way to rinse off the salt that’s stuck to the sides of your car. Try to wash your car during the day, so that if the temperature drops at night, you’ll be sure to avoid frozen doors and locks.

It’s important to remove the salt from your car for both mechanical and resale value reasons. Mechanically, salt can cause corrosion and rust damage, and especially to the undercarriage of your vehicle. This could result in costly repairs and damage of your vehicle. Cosmetically, salt can also create rust around the tires, fender and doors, and cause exterior paint to chip away. It’s especially important to prevent this when thinking about your car’s resale value. Vehicles with rust, paint chips and exterior damage will not be resold for the same value as cars that have been well maintained and kept clean.

Preventing Rock Salt Damage

One suggestion for preventing damage from rock salt is to wax your vehicle before the winter months hit. This will help put a polish on your car that prevents damage. Also, make sure to continually inspect your car and touch up any paint chips. Try to rinse off your car every 10 days, as the weather allows.

While You’re At it, Vacuum your Car, too.

While you’re working on keeping the exterior salt-free, run the vacuum through the interior of your car, too. When you keep the inside AND outside of your vehicle clean, it helps protect your investment and increase your resale value. Cars that have been properly maintained and repaired are often sold for much higher prices.

Salt: great for the roads, bad for your car. Make sure to wash the salt off of your car as soon as possible.


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